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In our diverse work, academic and community spaces, we meet, talk to, teach and interact with people from various cultural backgrounds. Cultural Intelligence (CQ™) is the ability to function effectively in culturally diverse settings, be it in the workplace, in community or in social settings. It is a globally recognized way of assessing and improving effectiveness for culturally diverse situations. Become a purpose-driven workplace that not only knows what equity, diversity and inclusion is but how to implement it through evidence-based cultural intelligence training.


CQ is rooted in rigorous academic research conducted by scholars around the world. Earley and Ang (2003) developed the concept of CQ in their book Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures. The concept was further developed by Ang, S. & Van Dyne, L. (2008) in the article Conceptualization of cultural intelligence: Definition, Distinctiveness, and Nomological Network, in S. Ang & L. Van Dyne (eds.), Handbook of cultural intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications (p. 3). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

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CQ has four dimensions: the motivation dimension (your CQ Drive), the cognitive dimension (your CQ Knowledge), the meta-cognitive dimension (your CQ Strategy), and the behavioural dimension (your CQ Action). 


Within cultural intelligence, these dimensions show up as 4 CQ capabilities:

Your interest, persistence and confidence in intercultural interactions.

CQ Drive

CQ Drive

Your understanding of how cultures are similar or different.

CQ Knowledge

CQ Knowledge

Your awareness and ability to plan for intercultural interactions.

CQ Strategy

CQ Strategy

Your ability to adapt when relating and working in intercultural contexts.

CQ Action

CQ Action


The Global Centre for Pluralism defines pluralism as an ethic of respect for diversity. Whereas diversity is a fact, pluralism is a choice.


According to His Highess the Aga Khan, founder of the Global Centre for Pluralism, successful pluralism requires both hardware and software. Hardware includes the legal and political space of society, while software includes the cultural habits or public mindset that shape our perceptions and influence how we interact with others.


At Ramji Consulting, we believe that CQ provides us the software for pluralism, software that is essential for success in the 21st century, be it in business, in community, or in life.

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