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"The effective world of the future will be one of pluralism, a world that understands, appreciates and builds on diversity."

― His Highness the Aga Khan



Research shows that CQ can enhance your effectiveness in relating to people of diverse backgrounds in your professional and personal life.


Developing your CQ can lead to higher levels of well-being and help you adjust to new situations. You'll be better able to perform tasks and make decisions in culturally diverse settings, and have a greater sense of fulfillment.


Whether you are a newcomer navigating a different culture, or an organization that prides itself in developing their employees to better navigate cultural differences, growing your CQ can help you succeed.






Why CQ Matters - Listen now!
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A group of people stands in a circle, talking happily.

For community groups and non-profits

  • Contribute to (or create) a welcoming community that promotes inclusivity, understanding and collaboration

  • Improve your outreach and community engagement strategies through a respectful approach

  • Identify opportunities to strengthen your goals through diversity

  • Enhance your team's overall productivity and work performance

A small group of diverse professionals gather around a small table. One colleague leads the conversation and references a slide on their open laptop. Photo credit: Disability:IN.

For business and government

  • Engage and communicate effectively with culturally diverse colleagues and clients

  • Enrich your employees' performance in a range of multicultural settings

  • Prepare for and enhance the potential of new initiatives and partnerships

  • Enhance your management and executive coaching leadership programs

  • Expand into new markets and become an employer of choice

A young woman sits in an office during a meeting with her mentor. She holds a fidget toy in her hands while her mentor types on a laptop. Photo credit: Disability:IN.

For educational institutions

  • Help students succeed as part of a diverse campus community

  • Support international students as they adapt to campus, community and the workplace

  • Create inclusive classrooms with deeper learning

  • Better understand and serve the diverse student body

  • Implement your diversity and inclusion initiatives with confidence

Image: Disability:IN

Image: Disability:IN

Through our training packages, you can assess your individual and organizational cultural intelligence and take a deep dive into how you can develop this essential capability to successfully navigate a variety of cultural contexts - both internationally and domestically.





"In a world where crossing boundaries is routine, CQ becomes a vitally important aptitude and skill."ʉۥ Harvard Business Review


"The desire to treat other people with honor and respect doesn't automatically mean our behavior comes across as dignifying and kind. There are various adaptations necessary in order to ensure people experience respect and honour from us." ― David Livermore, from Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The New Secret to Success


"As more companies go global, we need a better understanding of how to function as leaders across cultural boundaries. The four-step process can help your develop your 'CQ' and improve your cross-cultural leadership technique."ʉۥ Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager and Leading at a Higher Level


"Based on solid academic research and years of personal experience, this is a whole new way of thinking holistically about the challenges and presents a repertoire of skills and behaviours that we can put to use in cross-cultural interactions."ʉۥ Jim Kouzes, co-author of the Leadership Challenge

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